Astra Plepe

GUEST BLOG – Mental Health/ Well-being in the modern world/workplace? What does it really mean?

Mindfulness, well-being, mental health, emotional welfare… words that we constantly hear being thrown around, but what does it all mean? And how is it more than just being happy? It can feel overwhelming to hear so much about how to keep our minds healthy, without a true understanding of how to exert this into our

GUEST BLOG – Mental Health/ Well-being in the modern world/workplace? What does it really mean? Read More »

Discrimination in Recruitment: Unfortunately, it IS still Black and White.

When I, and my business partner set up Global Talent 2020, we wanted to have a company that supported all levels of candidates and clients within the industry specialism of the Hospitality and Leisure markets. We also wanted a culture of openness, honesty, fun, and expression. We never wanted oppression, corporateness, or facelessness, as a

Discrimination in Recruitment: Unfortunately, it IS still Black and White. Read More »

On the Fringe of Madness

It’s hard to describe the Edinburgh Fringe Festival to someone who hasn’t experienced it firsthand. The question is usually met with a long intake of breath, a sigh, a puzzled look of contemplation ending with the phrase: “It’s… just… madness”. From someone who has lived in Edinburgh for many years, I’ve got a soft spot

On the Fringe of Madness Read More »

Ghosting People Professionally: How to Lose Friends and Alienate Co-workers

“Ghosting” is a term that has gained popular widespread use in recent years to describe the act of suddenly cutting off all communication with someone, usually without explanation. While it may be tempting to ghost someone you no longer wish to communicate with, it is never a good idea to ghost people professionally. Ghosting in

Ghosting People Professionally: How to Lose Friends and Alienate Co-workers Read More »