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What are the chances?

We have all been there. We have all made mistakes in our lives, whether professionally, or personally. These mistakes are on a scale from minor, to major, to the proverbial clusterf@4k. However, someone, somewhere gave us a chance to rectify or turn things around. Or, sometimes, the punishment for these mistakes, is ultimately that things are “over”, or “done or dusted”, or P45 territory, do not pass GO and collect 200 pounds. Mistakes are part of life, they are part…

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Never Split The Difference/ How Empathy Is The Real Hero

LinkedIn, for all its flaws, is a pretty good way to find new books to read. After a recommendation, I ordered ‘Never Split the Difference’ by Chris Voss, the leading FBI hostage negotiator for over 20 years. It’s a masterclass in negotiation tactics written by a man who literally negotiated with terrorists for the lives of hostages. It’s an incredible read. The title comes from the notion that most people will avoid conflict at all costs and offer to split…

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Where do we go from here – An insight into running a local business in 2024

Hospitality is a unique industry. I am biased, but I truly believe that it’s one of the foundations of our society. It supports, and fuels everything around it, a bit like oil running through a car engine. The sandwich shop that feeds the workies their bacon rolls as the sun rises. The café that feeds the office crew on their quick breaks. The bars that fuel the sports fans on their way to the big game on Saturday afternoons, (or…

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GUEST BLOG – Mental Health/ Well-being in the modern world/workplace? What does it really mean?

Mindfulness, well-being, mental health, emotional welfare… words that we constantly hear being thrown around, but what does it all mean? And how is it more than just being happy? It can feel overwhelming to hear so much about how to keep our minds healthy, without a true understanding of how to exert this into our everyday lives. While most of us know the importance of looking after our mental health, it can be easy to neglect when other (seemingly more…

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Raise a glass to sobriety – cheers to a hangover-free year.

This week marks one year for me without alcohol. When I say this to people or mention I’ve stopped drinking, the most common question I get asked with a shocked face is… “How much did you use to drink…?” As if I was sleeping in the gutter and drinking out of brown paper bags at bus stops. On a serious note, therein lies the big problem for me. There is still an air of taboo, and hesitation surrounding the subject….

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